Monday, January 6, 2014

Preferred Provider Organization PPO

Preferred Provider Organization PPO



With a PPO, you may have:

  • A moderate amount of freedom to choose your health care providers — more than an HMO
  • Higher out-of-pocket costs than an HMO
  • More paperwork than other plans if you see out-of-network providers
  • The ability to manage your own health care
What doctors you can see. Any in the PPO’s network. You can see out-of-network doctors, but you’ll pay more.

What you pay.
  • Premium — Your monthly payments are based on the negotiated rates PPOs have with their network providers.
  • Deductible — Some PPOs may have a deductible. You may have to pay a higher deductible if you see an out-of-network doctor.
  • Copay or coinsurance — A copay is a flat fee, such as $15, you pay when you get care. Coinsurance is when you pay a percent of the charges for care, such as 30%.
  • Other costs — If your doctor charges more than others in the area do, you may have to pay the balance after your insurance pays its share.
  • Paperwork involved. There’s little to no paperwork with a PPO if you see an in-network doctor. If you use an out-of-network provider, you’ll have to pay the provider. Then you have to file a claim to get the PPO plan to pay you back.
Read more:


  1. selamat beraktivitas. . .mari kita awali aktivitas hari ini dengan menyimak informasi yang aktual di halaman yang sangat luar biasa ini !!!

  2. Terimakasih, artikelntya sangat bagus sekali. Senang sekali berkunjung ke website anda. semoga dapat bermanfaat buat kita semua. Amin . . . . :D :D

  3. teirma kasih banyak karena sudah berbagi berita yang sangat menarik. zaman sekarang sudah jarang menemukan blog yang isinya penuh manfaat seperti ini, keren!!

  4. Postingan ini sangat bermanfaat, memberikan informasi mengenai hal yang belum diketahui. Semoga postingan ini bisa memberikan motivasi untuk selalu ingin tahu.

  5. terima kasih atas informasinya. Sukses ya..!! Dan Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasnya, Semoga Makin Keren selalu untuk info beserta websitenya,,

  6. Terimakasih atas informasinya :) semoga sukses slalu .. Ditunggu informasi menarik selanjutnya :) senang berkunjung ke website anda, terimakasih. sekali lagi thanks.
